AI The Unnatural Offspring
Our September Edit is here
It's getting dark in here, let's get ready for Autumn and beautiful winter colours. We have the most beautiful curated products and sales for this season. Get your holiday shop with us, find inspiring ideas and new products. If you still want to launch your own e-Commerce account, a well curated design, business strategy and plan, can be personalised just for you. We also offer luxurious brands with a new collection put it together of our favourite pieces to set the standards and make our statement even bigger. We love design, comfort and practicability.
We have a versatile and unique way of working with brightfull ideas to make you glow all year around.
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Introducing Labels and Prints,
Hays and Gill Studio is a Premier Design and Label Company and we a very proud to be offering beautiful tailored designs by you, making it even more unique. Keeping the identity of your home, clothing, office and ideas at your own hands during the entire process.
To a quick access to our members page, and promotional codes, including our Welcome code for your first shopping experience with us, please register using our form or joining our app.
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Online Magazine: Arts, Science and Design
We are writers, designers and journalists, researchers and families. Not only using technology and new digital crafts from professionals from all over the world, but also publishers of modern studies in science, human communication, behaviour and social-cultural development. To offer you a great visual story and design experience which include news and articles of relevance and physical products that can improve our quality of life
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The Brain Technology
The power of images and motion pictures in our brains and the impact it have in our lives is beyond much of imagination and science fiction, technologies Today have the power to deeply impact individuals and entire societies, including its mental health and development, without much perception of the public.
Danielle Forte - H&G Founder The Report News Magazine
Shop 2023. Some of our products can take up to 18 days delivery, with partners from outside the EU